Final Presentation & Oral Defense
索南拉姆同学的论文题目为“Opportunities and Challenges of RMB Internationalization to the World’s Economy”(人民币国际化对世界经济的机遇与挑战)。拉姆同学通过对经济趋势、国家政策和地缘政治因素的全面回顾,深入剖析了人民币国际化的未来前景及其改变国际货币体系的潜力。
张馨予同学的论文题目为“What is the Best Fruit to Consume? Based on High Vitamin-C Content”(基于维生素C含量研究最值得食用的水果)。张同学选取了五种水果进行实验,分别是橙子,柠檬,奇异果,番茄和梨,通过化学实验,市场调研为消费者推荐一款富含维他命C的水果。
In my research, I aimed to find if there is a correlation and relation between the pHcontent of certain fruits and their taste (sourness) and vitamin C content. We will use the termsvitamin C and L-ascorbic acid interchangeably in the report. To investigate if there is acorrelation between pH and L-ascorbic acid content, we selected several fruits: orange, lemon, kiwi, tomato, and pear. We diced the fruits, juiced them, and strained them through medical-grade gauze cloth. We split our juice samples into two ml containers and tested the pH of each fruit. Listed from lowest pH to highest pH, lemons have a pH level of 2.3, kiwis andtomatoes share a similar pH level at 3.8, oranges have a pH of 3.9, and pears have a pH of 4.6.Then we tested their respective pH content using a 1% Dichlorophenolindophenol solution(DCPIP). We found a result of lower pH fruits tended to have more vitamin content, with lemonsbeing the most abundant in l-ascorbic acid content and pears being the least abundant. Lemonscontained 53 mg of l-ascorbic acid per 100 grams, kiwis contained 92.7 mg per 100 grams,tomatoes contained around 20 mg per 100 grams, oranges contained 53.2 mg per 100 grams, andpears contained around 4.3 mg per 100 grams. We then diced our fruits and had volunteers ratethe sourness of each fruit. Listed from most sour to least sour; lemons, kiwis, tomatoes, oranges,and pears.
A correlation would show in the form of a linear line with a negative correlation. Fromour research, we can see a weak relationship between the vitamin C content and pH level. But because citric acid or 2-hydroxypropane-1,2,3-tricarboxylic acid, the primary cause of the sourtaste in fruits and other produces which also lowers a produce pH level, does not contain any vitamin C, we cannot conclude that there is a relationship between a fruits pH content and it’s vitamin C content. However, we can see a correlation between vitamin C, citric acid content, and pH from Graph 1 and Table 1’s rankings. This makes it reasonable for us to conclude that there is a correlation between a fruit's sourness and pH to the fruit's vitamin C content.
陈敏学同学的论文题目为“The Application of Pascal's Principle in Hydraulic Systems anditsUse in Hydraulic Excavators”(帕斯卡原理在液压系统中的应用及其在液压挖掘机中的使用)。陈同学通过深度分析帕斯卡原理如何指导液压系统中力的传递和放大,揭示液压技术在现代工程和技术创新中的重要性,并自制液压挖掘机,直观的向评审老师展示了工作原理,最后为液压技术面临的挑战与发展方向提供了建议。